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Our global customer commitment is one in which we fully realize that our customers provide us our jobs, wages and benefits. These customers have the option to buy from many sources, so we are honored when they choose us. Our customers’ needs are simple. They want goods shipped as promised and the product to perform. An A&E customer is our partner, and as our customer prospers, so do we, wherever in the world they may be.

Customers provide our jobs. They, and only they, pay our wages and benefits.

Options to buy from many sources are available to our customers. We are honored when they choose us.

Many customers place their trust in us by purchasing our products. Their needs are simple. They want goods shipped as promised and the product to perform.

Mistakes are sometimes made. It is our responsibility to be professional, correct the problem, and cheerfully serve them.

If we make a mistake, we will admit it and try to correct it at once.

Total customer satisfaction is A&E’s goal. When we fail, everyone in A&E shares the blame. We will not blame a supplier, a computer, or another department. We are responsible.

Modern equipment, excellent technology, competent people, and materials of the finest quality are necessary to fulfill the needs of our customers. We believe in charging a fair price, including profit, to sustain these services.

Excellence in every aspect is our objective. Our customers deserve it. We believe “good” is the greatest enemy of excellence.

No product is always perfect. When customers complain, they are doing us a favor. Right or wrong, the customers are informing us of their perception of a problem. They have the option to buy elsewhere and never tell us why. We treat each complaint as an opportunity to improve.

The customer is our partner. As our customers prospers, so do we.

It all adds up to…Customer Commitment!






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