纤维类型: CP 棉
整理: 柔软或上釉
线结构: 短纤维
应用: 休闲裤和西裤、休闲衬衫和上衣、连衣裙和短裙、牛仔裤、童装、套染服
详细描述: A&E’s Anecot® is a 100% short staple, spun cotton sewing thread. Twisted and finished for optimum sewing performance and an excellent option for overdyeing, Anecot® boasts low elongation with excellent loop formation. Unaffected by needle heat or pressing, Anecot® will not melt, making this sewing thread ideal for applications that require a natural fiber. Need a long-staple spun cotton thread? Ask your A&E sales representative about Anecot Plus®, Anecot Plus® RFD, and Anecot® Organic. PRODUCT INFORMATION | DIGITAL COLOR REFERENCE
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