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Integrity™ Identification Thread Products

Integrity matters.

Protect your brand and products with forensic science. Powered by CertainT Multi-Proof Point Technologies from Applied DNA Sciences’ (ADNAS). A&E’s Integrity™ thread provides product identification and authenticity solutions to brands and retailers that cannot be counterfeited.

Developed through a collaboration of technologies, A&E and ADNAS set out to create a reliable, economically viable, and sustainable thread solution brands can use to authenticate and validate their sewn products, anywhere within the supply chain. The solution uses a common component—sewing thread.

“Our customers are hyper-aware of the detrimental effects of counterfeit products, from lost sales to the potential loss of brand equity. It’s a real and global threat. Our expansion of Integrity™ secure thread technology developed with ADNAS, is a natural progression for us to address our customers’ needs and extend our brand protection solutions.” — Chris Alt, President, A&E

How does it work? A&E’s Integrity™ thread products enhance traceability through molecular DNA markers embedded within the thread itself. To confirm identity, A&E offers two ways to authenticate—quick, in-the-field optical verification or when needed, forensic analysis through the use of a portable qPCR test. Integrity™ secure thread technology is truly unparalleled within the industry.

“Integrity™ thread protects the brand, as well as supply chains, at a time when security and sustainability are extremely important. We are helping to ensure that customers can meet their supply chain traceability and sustainability goals.” — Wayne Buchen, Vice President, Strategic Sales, Applied DNA Sciences.

Learn more. Download the literature below.


Additional information about ADNAS’ proprietary CertainT Multi-Proof Point Technology platform is available via their website —

Need more information? A&E friendly representatives are available and ready to assist — 704.951.2996  |   800.861.3256 — OR — you can reach by email,



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