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Social Responsibility

A&E’s sustainability goals have been developed through consideration of the economic, social responsibility, and environmental aspects of the company’s global operations. To accomplish this:

  • A&E will continue to invest in innovative technologies to help reduce the environmental footprint of our operations, including our facilities and processes.
  • A&E will create products that minimize the impact on the environment.
  • A&E will continue to conduct its global operations in such a manner as to ensure that all employees around the world understand and adhere to the highest standards of conduct and provide our customers with consistent quality, service, and value throughout all markets.

Learn More About Our Company

Through its global network, A&E’s products are manufactured in 22 countries, distributed in 50 countries and sold in over 100 countries. A&E delivers exact color, superior quality and the most innovative products, right where they are needed. Touch or click here to locate your contact.

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A&E has set the highest level of sustainability compliance in the industry through our Eco-Driven initiatives. We are working with some of the world’s largest retailers and brands to create the standards for all textile suppliers and retailers. Read more…

eco driven

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