A&E’s 2014-2015 Sustainability Report Shows Continued Progress in Leading the Industry in the Areas of Safety, Environmental Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Key achievements included in this report:
- A&E achieved a two percent reduction of global carbon footprint since 2006 while still growing as a worldwide business.
- 48 Million kilograms of greenhouse gas has been avoided since 2006.
- 34% reduction in global water consumption since 2006.
- 1.1 Million kilograms of thread produced, using recycled water from the industry’s first zero liquid discharge system in Perundurai, India dyehouse.
- 106 Million kilowatt hours saved since 2006, contributing to a 7% reduction of global energy use.
- 100% of the power used in Gutach, Germany by Gütermann is certified to come from hydroelectric power.
- Zero waste to landfill achieved in the United States, joining Sri Lanka in achieving this global goal of all A&E operations.
Please click here or on the image below to download a copy of the report.